Comparison between Raw Files and Jpeg Files

Comparison between Raw Files and Jpeg Files

RAW files and JPEG files are two of the mostly used common formats for storing images, and they have different characteristics. Here are the key differences between RAW and JPEG files.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a widely used image compression standard format for digital images. A JPEG image follows a lossy compression algorithm. This format of Images is widely accepted by many devices.( this type of files doesn’t need external software to open it )

On the other hand, RAW files are Uncompressed File Format. And it stores all the Color information that is captured by the Camera Sensor without any loss of quality.

Here is the Tabular format that differentiates the Raw Files and Jpeg Files:

Raw vs Jpeg Tabular Format
Raw vs Jpeg Tabular Format


1)Compression :

Raw Files: Raw Files are Uncompressed Format of Image Files. It captures all the Color Information that is Captured by the Camera Sensor without any Compression of Data.

Jpeg Files: Jpeg Files are Compressed Format of Image Files. It is also Known as Default Image Format. It follows Compression of Data Procedure, which results in reducing the Image Size due to the Compression of Data.


2)File Size :

Raw Files: Raw Files are Larger in size due to the Uncompression of Data.

Jpeg Files: Jpeg Files are Smaller in Size due to the Compression of Data.


3) Image Quality :

Raw Files: Raw Files provide highest form of Image Quality because it contains all the Color information data captured by the Camera.

Jpeg Files: Jpeg Files gets the Lesser Image Quality compared to Raw files due to the Compression of Data.


4) Color Information :

Raw Files: Raw Files contains a Wide range of Color Information due to  the Uncompression of the Data.

Jpeg Files: Jpeg Files loses some amount of Color Information due to the Compression of Data.


5) Editing Flexibility :

Raw Files: Due to the Wide range of Color Information captured by the Camera Sensor, it gives us a lot of Flexibility while we are working on the Image in Post Production.

Jpeg Files: The Less Color information due to Compression of Data may cause the Image to get Pixellated which we are working on the Image in Post Production. So, Jpeg Files are not Suitable for Editing.


6) Who Should Use? :

Raw Files: Raw Files are used by Professional Photographers and in Professional Photography, because they want to enhance the Image more in Post Production. So, Shooting in Raw Format can help the Workflow without getting any kind of Pixellation while editing. And, it is used for Printing Large Banner’s.

Jpeg Files: Jpeg Files can be used for Normal Everyday Usage like Sharing Photo’s, for daily Social media Posting.

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