Lightroom Every Tool Explained

Lightroom Every Tool Explained

Hello Guys, Welcome to our website Poser Editz. In this article, I will be explaining about all the Basic Tools like Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, etc… in a photo editing software like Lightroom, Snapseed, Picsart…

After going through this article you will be able to get clear understanding of the basic tools of photo editing. I will be explained everything in a layman language to help you understand it better.


Exposure: Exposure brightens or darkens the entire image. Exposure is also known as Brightness.

Contrast: Contrast alters the difference between the light and dark areas of the image.

Highlights: Highlights controls the Brightness of the Brightest parts of the image, helping to recover details in overexposed areas.

Shadows : Shadows adjusts the brightness of the darkest parts of the image.

Whites : Whites affects the intensity of the Lightest areas.

Blacks : Blacks affects the intensity of the Darkest areas.

Temperature : As the name suggests, it adjusts the overall Temperature of the image. In the real world, there are two types of Temperatures, Cool and Warmth. You can adjust the Temperature according to your needs to get the desired tone.

Tint : Tint performs the same actions which are performed by Hue. It helps to change the color and color shades of the subject.

Vibrance : Vibrance adjusts the intensity of the more muted colors in the image. ( primarily targeting the less saturated colors without affecting already well saturated colors )

Saturation : Saturation globally adjusts the intensity of all Colors.

Hue : Hue Changes the actual color tones. ( for ex: if you move yellow towards right, then the images changes to the adjacent color in the tool here which is green )

Luminance : Luminance adjusts the Brightness of that specific color.

Texture : Texture enhances or reduces the appearance of medium sized details and textures in the photo.

Clarity : Clarity enhances midtone contrast making the image appear sharper and more defined.

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