What is Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO?

What is Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO?

To Click a Good Looking Portrait or a Landscape in a DSLR, then we have to carefully use the Three variables named Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO. One must balance all the these parameters to achieve a desired result.

What is Aperture?

Aperture is the opening of a camera lens through which light passes to enter the camera sensor. It works like the pupil of an eye, getting larger or smaller to let in more or less light. Aperture is used to Control the amount of Light is to be let into the Camera through the Aperture hole.

A larger aperture (a smaller f-number) lets in more light, which is useful in low-light conditions, while a smaller aperture (a larger f-number) lets in less light, which can be useful for bright conditions.

Increasing(opening-up) the size of the aperture makes your image brighter.
Decreasing the Size of the aperture makes your image darker.

Aperture also affects the depth of field, or how much of the image is in focus.

The F-Stop or F-Number is a Scale that represents the size of the aperture.

the smaller f-number = the larger aperture
the larger f-number = the smaller aperture


Kit lenses usually have a variable and relatively small maximum aperture (e.g., f/3.5-5.6).

This can limit their performance in low light conditions and restrict the ability to achieve a shallow depth of field for portraits.

What is ShutterSpeed?

Shutter is a device through which the lens aperture of a camera is opened to admit light and thus expsoe the film ( or the electronic image sensor of a digital camera ). Adjustable shutters control exposure time, or the length of time during which light is admtiteed.

Shutter Speed is also known as exposure time. Shutter speed is the length of time when the film of digital sensor inside the camera is exposed to light, als when a camera’s shutter is open when taking a photograph.

the faster shutter speed = the less light is let in
the smaller shutter speed = the more light is let in

Similar to aperture, there will be a dial that adjusts the shutter speed and you have to find that for your particular camera model.

What is ISO?

ISO is the light sensitivity of either the film of imaging sensor.

ISO adjusts the sensor’s sensitivity to light. Lower ISO values are preferable for maintaining image quality, but in low-light conditions, higher ISO values can be necessary to achieve the desired exposure.

Increasing the ISO too much can lead to digital noise/grain and brightened.

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