Black Tone Lightroom Preset
Black Tone Lightroom Preset Photo’s are most popular Presets in Lightroom, I know you have seen this Black Tone kind of Posts on Social Media Platforms. Black tone preset in Lightroom can give your photos a deep moody and a unique dramatic look. So, Here i am with the Most Popular Premium Black Tone Preset. Just Keep in mind that these settings might need to be adjusted depending on the specific photo, bcz each photo has shot in different lighting conditions.
People Often use these kind of Moody Black Tone Preset Setting’s to bring a Specific kind of Mood to their Portraits. This style can add a sense of mystery and depth to photos, making them stand out. Black tone presets can be applied to a wide range of photography genres, including portraits, landscapes, street photography, and fashion. They can enhance various types of images by emphasizing, contrasts and textures and many other adjustment parameters.
Before & After after using the Black Tone Lightroom Preset Setting’s.

Download the Black Tone Lightroom Preset and Paste the Settings on your Portraits to get the Specific Moody Tone Look.