Happy Birthday Photo Editing Alight Motion XML

Happy Birthday Photo Editing Alight Motion XML

Hello Guys, Welcome to our Website Poser Editz. In this Article, I will be Sharing Happy Birthday related assets and project files, which i’ve recently used in my editing tutorial on my Youtube Channel.

Happy Birthday related Photo edits and reels are quite popular these days. It is a modern way to convey birthday wishes to our dear one’s. These kind of Edits are going viral these days, everyone wants to create and send birthday wishes to their favourite one’s.

So, I’ve recently made a Tutorial on How to Create a Happy Birthday Edit using a Mobile Application called Alight Motion. This Edit took me about 1 Hour to create. But, you guys dont need to worry, I’ve created a XML file, by using which you can edit the Pic under 1 minute. All you need to do is to Upload your Pictures in the respected image layers. And that’s it your edit will be done.


Download the Happy Birthday XML File by Clicking the Download Button Below.

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